Engelse Moppen
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Engelse Moppen

Op deze pagina staan 10 Engelse Moppen. De moppen staan op volgorde van stemmen, de beste Engelse Moppen eerst.

Engelsman vraagt aan een Chinees;
'How many times do you have elections'?
Zegt de Chinees;
'Evely morning!


Twee Helmonders besluiten samen een weekend naar Londen te gaan.
Even er tussenuit.
Ze overnachten het hele weekend bij een hospita.
Na de eerste dag rondgebanjerd te hebben in de binnenstad besluiten ze naar hun logeeradres te gaan om te gaan slapen.
Wanneer ze de volgende ochtend wakker worden besluit de ene Helmonder naar beneden te gaan om te vragen wat ze voor ontbijt krijgen.
De Helmonder gaat naar beneden en zegt in z'n beste Engels: 'Goed murning, wot doe joe hev for brekfest'.
Waarop de hospita resoluut zegt: 'Ham and eggs'.
De Helmonder gaat weer naar boven.
Zegt de andere Helmonder: 'Warum kekte zo bedruufd?'
De ene weer: 'Ze hebben neks.'


I have a girlfriend her name is Grace she broke my heart I broke her FACE


A blond girl walks into a ice cream store.
She walks up to the counter and asks the guy behind the counter.
Can I please have a Gallon of vanilla ice cream, a gallon of strawberry icecream and a gallon of chocolate ice cream.
The guy says.
I am sorry mam, but whe ran out of chocolate ice cream.
Oh, she says.
Please than do me a Quater of vanilla ice cream, a Quater of strawberry ice cream and a Quarter of chocolate ice cream.
The guy says, I am sorry mam but whe ran out of chocolate ice cream.
Ohh the blond girl says.
Than do me a pint of vanilla ice cream, a pint of strawberry ice cream and a pint of chocolate ice cream.
The guy thinks, she must be fucking stupid.
He asks her, can you do me a favor.
Please spell the van in vanilla.
Sure she says.
Ok, the guy says.
What about the straw in strawberry.
she says.
You are right, he says.
And now the Fuck in chocolate.
She thinks and thinks and than she says: There is no fuckin chocolate.
He says, thats what I mean!


Een Engelse toerist in een Nederlands hotel belt de roomservice.
De man aan de andere kant hoort de toerist vragen om peper.
'Natuurlijk', zegt de hotel bediende.
Black or white Peper.'
Waarop de toerist zegt: 'Just ordinary toilet paper.'


Overheard by United Airlines Pilot on landing at Frankfurt Airport: NOTE: Britiah Airways planes are known as Speedbird on the airwaves......
Speedbird: 'Good morning Frankfurt, Speedbird 206, clear of the active.'
Ground: 'Guten morgan, taxi to your gate.'
The BA 747 pulls onto the main taxiway and stops.
Ground (brusquely): 'Speedbird, do you not know where you are going?'
Speedbird: 'Standby ground, I'm looking up the gate location now.'
Ground (with typical German impatience): 'Speedbird 206, have you never been to Frankfurt before?'
Speedbird (coolly): 'Yes, several times in 1944, but I didn't stop'


The story of the horse, the chicken and the BMW!
There was a chicken and a horse playing together in a barn yard, suddenly the horse falls into a mud pit.
He yells to the chicken, 'Go get the farmer, save me, save me!'
The chicken goes looking for the farmer but can't find him.
So he gets the farmer's BMW and drives it over to the mud pit, lassos the horse, ties it to the car and pulls him out.
The horse says, 'Thank you, Thank you, I owe you my life...'
Then a couple days later they are playing there again and this time the chicken falls into the mud pit and the chicken says, 'Help me.
Help me!
Go get the farmer!'
So the horse says, 'No No, No, I think I can get you.'
The horse stretches across the mud pit and tells the chicken, 'Grab onto my dick.'
The chicken grabs on, the horse stretches back, and the horse saves the chickens life.
So what's the moral of the story ?
If you have a dick the size of a horse, then you don't need a BMW to pick up chicks !'


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